

A timeline of the most significant Climate Change events along the history to remember what we did and what we are doing raising awareness through the time. 

Climateline collects events from different sources, curates the content and places them in time. The nature of events varies. Some might bring negative effects of global climate change: more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions and an increase in the number, duration and intensity of tropical storms. Other events might bring positive effects: carbon removal from atmosphere, reforestation, renewable energy, energy efficiency and so on.
Climateline aims also to summarize in numbers the progress of the society and backward actions in one place. This includes how (big) companies are doing in order to contribute positively. I see this place as a registry of all the evidence we need to know before asking "Why is it so hot here?".

image Data source: NASA/GISS
Credit: NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio